Conference Day One
Tuesday, December 10, 2024
8:25 am Chair’s Opening Remarks
Showcasing Clinical Immune Monitoring & Analyzing Data to Advance Non-Clinical Safety Testing
8:30 am Case Study: Considerations for the Measurement of LNP Immunogenicity & Review of Potential Impact in Clinical Programs
- Anti-LNP Immunogenicity considerations, measurement, and impact
- Considerations of immunogenicity to LNP (e.g. PEG), what and how to measure PEG reactivity
- Potential impact (with example) of immune responses to LNP
Building In Vitro Tools to Advance Prediction of Clinical Immunogenicity & Toxicity
9:00 am Harnessing Effective In Vitro Tools to Measure LNP Immunogenicity
- Evaluating which tools are most appropriate to measure various immune components
- Combining assays to improve efficiency of immunogenicity testing
- Reviewing which immune measurements and data are most vital depending on target organ
- Defining signal correlation between non-clinical assays and humans to measure accuracy
9:30 am Utilizing Machine Learning to Improve LNP Safety and Toxicity Profile
- Developing computational models to screen LNP formulations and predict immunogenicity
- Leveraging artificial intelligence and machine learning to accelerate LNP development
- Interpreting learnings to influence design and delivery of safer LNP molecules
10 am Morning Break & Speed Networking
11:00 am Building Optimized LNP Molecules to Deliver Vaccines that Balance Immunogenicity & Reactogenicity
- Determining baseline reactogenicity to characterize immunogenic effect
- Designing LNP structures that strike the balance between desired immune response and unwanted adverse effects
- Optimizing delivery specificity to mediate targeted immune activation while minimizing off-target effects
11:30 am Optimizing Ionizable Lipid & LNP Properties to Improve Safety
- LNP toxicity profiles
- Impact of lipid, cargo and LNP properties on safety parameters
- Correlations with pharmacokinetics and tissue distribution
12:00 pm Lunch Break & Networking
Redefining LNP Design to Combat Immunogenicity & Guarantee Specificity
1:00 pm Fireside Chat: Defining Best-Practice Methods to Understand the Impact of Formulation & Delivery Approaches on LNP Immunogenicity & Toxicity
- Discussing how to utilize novel methods, such as screening, computational methods and AI, to uncover and understand immune response to LNPs
- Unravelling how dose and delivery method can impact safety profiles, and more specifically immunogenicity vs toxicity
- Distinguishing how methods may vary by modality, approach or payload
2 pm Afternoon Break & Poster Session
This is the perfect opportunity to contribute to the conversation and share your cutting
edge research with this community while discovering exciting work carried out by your
peers. Get in touch if you would like to be involved!
Optimizing Non-Clinical & Translational Approaches to Assess LNP Safety Risk
3:00 pm Non-Clinical Testing Strategy of an RNA Lipid Formulation as Platform Approach
- Non-clinical testing
- RNA lipid formulation
- Platform approach
3:30 pm Preclinical Safety Assessment of LNP-Formulated Drugs & Vaccines
- Determining the most effective control to measure base immunogenicity of LNP
- Reviewing how different cargos might interact with nanoparticle characteristics and subsequently alter safety profile
- Testing immunogenicity with and without cargo to determine if cargo or payload impacts LNP safety
4:00 pm Translational Challenges in LNP-mRNA Systemic Delivery
Talk Details TBC